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Team Skoda: Four days later, the Fabia is complete. So how did all begin?
Scroll down to see how the Skoda cake was made...
1. The first egg is cracked. Only another 179 to go. Plus 100kg of flour and 100kg of caster sugar
2. A huge vat of chocolate sauce, 30kg of almonds and 65kg of dried fruit make the 'crispy cake' mix for the car's bodywork
3. Now it's the turn of two bakers to make 448 Madeira 'brick cakes' to form the foundation of the car's chassis
4. With the precision of a Formula One team, the Skoda crew sculpt every crumbly cog and sticky spark plug of the engine
5. Cake bricks are layered with buttercream icing - a slightly bigger job than your average Victoria sponge
6. Next, the body work takes shape as the crispy cake panels are carefully assembled
7. If you want your engine running smoothly, the perfect lubricant in this case is a 300g tin of golden syrup. Guaranteed to make it purr
8. Liquorice lovers take note: Yards of the black stuff was used to create the fanbelt, windscreen wipers and aerial
9. With the precision of a Formula One team, the Skoda crew sculpt every crumbly cog and sticky spark plug of the engine
10. Easy does it. This is delicate work. The paintwork is fondant icing, coloured with 180kg of orange sugar paste, moulded around the crispy cake panels
11. The panel beaters get to work. Visibility may be poor, but who cares when your windows are made from fondant icing and 90kg of brown sugar paste
12. 12.5kg of jam is piped onto Battenburg cakes, stuck together to form the interior decor. You'll never go hungry on long journeys Liquorice lovers take note: Yards of the black stuff was used to create the fanbelt, windscreen wipers and aerial
13. The radiators (60 chocolate blocks), headlights (boiled sweets) and fog lights (meringue) are put in place
14. These tyres are good enough to eat. Though since they're made from chocolate icing, they'd make you look like Michelin Man
15. The last thing you want to do is go all wobbly when you're inserting those jelly lights
16. With a final flourish, the Skoda logo is added. It's the icing on the cake!
Forget Ferrari - for a feat of artistic innovation, this Skoda engine wins every time
Watch the Skoda advert here